
Our team leverage their extensive experience to deliver reliable and scalable cloud solutions.

Cloud architecting.

We don't just get you into the cloud, we design and optimize your cloud infrastructure for your specific needs. This means ensuring scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness for your applications.

Cloud consulting.

Our Cloud & DevOps experts become strategic partners, tailoring solutions to optimize your costs and empower your team. We don't do one-size-fits-all — we analyze your culture, processes, and technology to seamlessly incorporate DevOps.

DevOps automation.

We automate the entire software development lifecycle, from building and testing to deployment and monitoring. This includes implementing CI/CD pipelines for continuous integration and delivery, allowing for faster and more reliable deployments.

Deep Cloud Expertise

We have in-depth knowledge of major cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP. This allows us to tailor solutions that leverage the specific strengths of each platform.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

We treat infrastructure like code, allowing for version control, collaboration, and automated provisioning. This ensures consistency and reduces the risk of errors.

As a startup, we needed a cloud solution that could grow with us. Scellus didn’t just migrate us to the cloud, they became a true partner.

Their expertise in DevOps automation helped us achieve lightning-fast deployments, allowing us to test and iterate quickly. This agility was crucial in helping us scale our business and reach new customers.

Generic avatarDavid C
CTO, Opus

Tech stack.

We prioritize the perfect fit for your app. At Scellus, we’re not tied to specific technologies. Instead, we focus on what works best for your unique project. This means you get the most effective solution, not a one-size-fits-all approach.





Express JS

Ruby on Rails




From platforms to pricing, get the info you need to turn your app idea into reality.


  1. What is Cloud & DevOps?
    Cloud & DevOps is a combination of practices that allows for faster and more efficient development and deployment of applications in the cloud. It involves collaboration between development and operations teams, automation of tasks, and leveraging cloud infrastructure for scalability and agility.
  2. Why should I consider Cloud & DevOps?
    Cloud & DevOps offers several benefits, including:

    • Faster Time to Market: Deliver new features and updates to your customers quicker.
    • Improved Scalability: Easily scale your infrastructure up or down based on demand.
    • Reduced Costs: Optimize cloud spending and eliminate inefficiencies.
    • Enhanced Security: Implement robust security measures for your applications and data.
    • Increased Innovation: Focus on development and innovation, not infrastructure management.
  3. Is Cloud & DevOps secure?
    Security is a top priority in Cloud & DevOps. We implement industry best practices and ensure compliance with relevant regulations like HIPAA, CCPA, and GDPR (depending on your needs).


  1. Do you offer custom Cloud & DevOps solutions?
    Absolutely! We understand that every organization has unique needs. We take the time to analyze your culture, processes, and technology to design a custom DevOps strategy that integrates seamlessly with your existing environment.
  2. Can you help us migrate to the cloud?
    Yes! We have extensive experience in cloud migration and can help you move your applications and data to the cloud securely and efficiently.
  3. Do you offer ongoing support after implementation?
    We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients. We offer ongoing support to ensure your DevOps practices are optimized and your cloud environment continues to meet your needs.