Back in 2018, Google announced that their updates for user improvements would now regard page speed as a factor for ranking higher in their search engine’s algorithm in order ‘​​To help users find the answers to their questions faster’.


As you would expect, this update sent the SEO community into anarchy as everyone scrambled to fix the speed of their sites, something neglected in the past. But for beginners to the topic of page speed, let’s cover the key questions.

What is page speed?

Page speed is the amount of time that it takes for your website page to load for your user. The speed of your website pages will have a direct impact on where you sit on Google’s Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERPs), alongside other key factors such as an SEO-friendly site structure and domain authority.

How does Scellus increase page speed for websites?

Websites that use a CDN (content delivery network) load much more quickly. CDN caches content in 270 cities around the world to store content closer to end users. This reduces latency, because requests from user devices do not have to travel all the way to original servers, and as a result, load time is much lower.

We use CDNs like Cloudflare that are available on every continent in the globe. CDNs can be expensive to implement, but, we believe in deploying solutions highly focused on ROI to deliver optimum service with reasonable pricing.


  1. Page speed is important. Why? Because, Google ranks you higher when your site loads quickly.
  2. First, ensure your web hosting is fast. Don’t go the cheap route when choosing your website’s host provider, focus on their attention to page speed and user experience.
  3. Compress., Optimize, minimize, merge and reduce what you can, whether that be images, coding or redirects. This takes a great amount of strain off your page loading times and there are plenty of online tools and plugins to help.
  4. Cache. Enable site caching so your server uses fewer resources to load a web page improving your overall website speed.
  5. Async. Set your website’s script to load asynchronously, this ensures your website pages can load content faster and all at once.
  6. CDN, everything. Seriously consider Content Delivery Networks, especially if you have a worldwide client base or trade online.
  7. Remove plugins you don’t need. Think about what you really use and what benefits your website’s experience for users.

Help! My site is slow.

If your website takes a long time to load, this can have adverse effects on the user experience, site traffic, and SEO. Websites that are optimized for performance have an advantage over slow websites. Contact us today to start a conversation on how we can help speed up your page and boost your results.